Saturday, June 26, 2010


Well today was an ok day. I worked the usual night shift at Denny's. It wasn't that bad. We were a little busy from graduations. I partied like hell after my graduation, I certainly wasn't thinking about eating. I didn't have much anxiety thank god. I love working with Maggie. She is our newest member of management. She gets frustrated like we all do with people. I just try to keep her in a positive mood so she doesn't give up and quit. I have had that feeling many times, but, I keep going forward. I wish I were rich. Like, could you imagine not ever having to go to work and still have lots of money?? Sounds like a dream come true. Alas, but, for the most of us Middle class citizens those dreams stay just that, dreams. They say life is what you make of it. What if you don't know what to make of it, then what? I guess I'm asking a question that I can't really get an answer to. I'm soo glad its summer. I love it. I actually love New York during the summer. New York is nice during the summer and fall. Anyother time of the year I hate it here. I can't wait to move south. Eventually we will get there and when we do, maybe I will be truly happy. I love the thoughts of long summer days, lazy days even. Lemonade stands, weeping willow trees, the old architecture of the houses. I want that. Thats all I have ever really known I wanted. Well, time for a smoke until tomorrow kids.

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